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Escudo Casa Luxburg Carolath.png

Union Coat of Arms 1869

Counts of Luxburg Princes of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoeneich-Carolath Union Coat of Arms 1869

The use of the surname is documented and registered again with the number 135933 on June 14, 1940 in the Court of First Instance of Chiquinquirá, city of Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia (Venezuela) by Dr. jur. Karl Ludwig Count of Luxburg Prince of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoeneich-Carolath. HOUSE LUXBURG CAROLATH (Grafen von Luxburg Fürsten zu Carolath-Beuthen und Prinzen von Schoenaich-Carolath) (Counts of Luxburg Princes of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoeneich-Carolath)

Tradition since 1329

«Dynasty of The Comital of Luxburg Princely of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoenaich-Carolath, est. 1869» „Die Gräfl ich von Luxburg´sche Fürstlich zu Carolath-Beuthen´sche und Prinzlich von Schoenaich-Carolath´sche Dynastie von 1869“HEAD OF LUXBURG CAROLATH SINCE 1985.

Dr. jur. Karl Ludwig Count of Luxburg Prince of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoeneich-Carolath, born 10/5/1872 in Wurzburg (Germany) and died 2/4/1956 in Ramos Mejía, among others, minister of special affairs and ambassador from 1914 to 1918 in Argentina, in 1940 he constituted "the Dynasty of the Condal de Luxburg Principesco of Carolath-Beuthen and Schoenaich-Carolath, EST 1869" thus protecting the Luxburg Carolath house during World War II from extinction by emigrating to South America in 1939.

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